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Friday, July 31, 2020

Road trip? Quarantines mess with Americans' travel plans - ABC News

PORTLAND, Maine -- Families trying to squeeze in a summer vacation before school starts better do some homework on COVID-19 restrictions before loading up the minivan.

The web of state and local quarantines is growing more tangled by the day: New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have ordered visitors from a whopping 34 states to quarantine for 14 days. Chicago and Washington, D.C., have each singled out travelers from about two dozen states. Other states have their own lists. Some have an option for visitors to get tested instead.

"Complicated doesn’t begin to describe it. I feel sorry for people. They just want to go to Cape Cod. They want to go to Vermont. I don’t know what to tell them. People are pretty much left on their own to figure out,” said Kathy Kutrubes, owner of a travel agency in Boston.

The restrictions — and maybe the confusion, too — are contributing to a sharp drop in travel, dealing a blow to a key industry.

Before the outbreak, Americans were expected to take 2.3 billion domestic trips this year, according to the U.S. Travel Association. But that's expected expected to drop about 30% to 1.6 billion, the lowest level since 1991. Normally nearly a third of domestic travel happens in the summer.

Abroad, a drop-off in tourism from U.S. visitors and restrictions on crossing borders have also led many travel-related businesses to wonder if they will survive.

In other pandemic news:

— Britain put on hold the easing of some more of its virus-related restrictions with just a few hours' notice because case numbers are on the rise for the first time since May.

— U.S. consumer spending increased in June a solid 5.6%, helping to regain some of the ground lost when the virus-related economic slowdown began in March. But the virus’s resurgence in much of the country could hamper further gains.

— The U.S. government's top infectious-disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told Congress that he is confident a coronavirus vaccine will be ready by early 2021 and will be widely available within the year.

— Hurricane Isaias’ approach forced the closing of some outdoor testing sites in Florida even as the state reported a record-high number of deaths for the fourth day in the row, with 257.

The coronavirus is blamed for more than 150,000 deaths in the U.S. and more than a half-million elsewhere around the world.

When it comes to travel restrictions in the U.S., the situation varies widely. Many states have no restrictions whatsoever for domestic travel. But the number of states with quarantines is growing as governors move to protect residents amid flareups in places such as Florida, Texas and Arizona.

The results are confusing, to say the least.

For example, Maine requires Massachusetts visitors to either quarantine or take a test, but Mainers may travel freely in Massachusetts. Chicago's quarantine order includes neighboring Wisconsin. But people who cross the state line for work are exempted.

In Connecticut, Paula Simchock and her husband are planning to hit the beaches in Delaware with their daughter en route to dropping her off at college in South Carolina. But because both of those states are on Connecticut's quarantine list, they expect to have to isolate upon returning home.

“We’re definitely stir crazy. So we’re really looking forward to getting down to Delaware and enjoying our favorite restaurants and surf shop. We’re really excited about it,” Simchock said. "To see that it's on the Connecticut hot spot list is disappointing."

The U.S. Travel Association believes that with proper precautions — masks, hand-washing, and proper sanitation — people can travel safely.

More than a third of jobs lost during the pandemic are in the travel and tourism industry, said Tori Emerson Barnes, spokeswoman for the association.

“Really and truly, the only way that we can have a sustained economic rebound is to have people moving again,” she said.

Mike Stumpf and his wife, who live outside Philadelphia, were supposed to take a cruise in Alaska in June. Then a trip to Colorado was canceled this week. A fall cruise to Europe was delayed this fall, and they bagged their annual trip to Florida.

Between different state regulations and health concerns, there’s just too much uncertainty, he said. “We won’t because it’s not the worth the risk and every state has different regulations,” he said.

Others don't want to risk it, either.

In New York, Lyndie Callan had to cancel her 60th birthday celebration in Spain this summer because of the country's restrictions on U.S. visitors. But even without the restriction, she wouldn't have felt comfortable traveling.

“There’s only one way to get this virus under control and that’s to behave responsibly. It starts with me,” Callan said. “I don’t see that my vacation plans are all that important. I’ll go on vacation next year.”


Associated Press journalists around the world contributed to this report.

The Link Lonk

August 01, 2020 at 03:56AM

Road trip? Quarantines mess with Americans' travel plans - ABC News

Where in the world can Americans travel in the COVID-19 era? - TODAY


With 119 confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its borders, Aruba resumed flights to and from the U.S. on July 10. There are limitations, though. Anyone traveling from “hot spot” states must submit a negative PCR test that is administered within 72 hours of departure. Those traveling from states not considered hot spots can submit a PCR test or pay for one in the Aruba airport.


The Bangladeshi government resumed international commercial flights in mid-July, but it did emphasize that U.S. citizens wishing to travel “should contact the airlines directly to purchase a seat,” according to the U.S. Embassy in Bangladesh. As of July 10, passengers must show PCR test results at the airport.


Before arrival, travelers above the age of 5 must complete an online pre-arrival embarkation and disembarkation form as well as take a COVID-19 PCR test. In high-risk countries like the U.S., tests must be submitted 21 days before arrival in Barbados. While it is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged and the results should be sent to the Ministry of Health and Wellness in Barbados.

International air travel is beginning to return to Barbados. Aug. 15 marks the day JetBlue will resume flights, and American Airlines is poised to return Sept. 9.


Belarus removed the U.S. from the list of countries where coronavirus is “actively circulating,” according to the embassy website. As a result, U.S. travelers landing in Belarus are no longer subject to the self-quarantine mandate.

June 27, 202005:07


The country is poised to reopen for international flights on Aug. 15, although currently, United Airlines is the only carrier set to resume flights on that day. Meanwhile, American Airlines is resuming flights to Belize on Aug. 18., and Delta Air Lines is resuming Sept. 3. Those traveling must present a negative PCR test within 72 hours of travel.


The U.S. Consulate General in Bermuda reported that commercial flight services resumed at L.F. Wade Airport on July 1. Before flying to Bermuda, all travelers must pay a $75 fee to complete an online travel authorization. As an added measure, visitors must take a certified PCR test within 72 hours of departure and again at the airport. While the results are being processed — which typically takes between six to eight hours — travelers must quarantine in their hotel room. On the island, visitors are required to abide by social distancing protocols and wearing masks.


Effective July 29, Brazil allows the entry of foreign travelers from any country. The new policy states that travelers can only stay for up to 90 days and, before boarding a flight, must show proof to the airline of health insurance purchased for the entirety of the trip. U.S. citizens must obtain an official note from the embassy or consulate and provide evidence of a scheduled return flight home, according to the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil. Brazil remains the second-worst country for confirmed COVID-19 cases, behind only the U.S., and no guidance was given on testing or self-quarantining from the government.


If you want to travel to Cambodia, you should be prepared to pay the price. Since its June 10 announcement, the Cambodian government stated that all foreign travelers must pay a $3,000 deposit for mandatory COVID-19 testing and possible treatments. A trip to Cambodia might look different than usual, as museums, bars, concert halls and cinemas are closed until further notice.


Croatia reopened to U.S. citizens on July 1 for tourism, business, education and other personal reasons. However, travelers must present a negative PCR test that was conducted no longer than 48 hours before departure. This includes people traveling on boats or yachts. Visitors should also quarantine for 14 days unless they can get their nose and throat swabbed seven days after entering Croatia. In that case, quarantine can be reduced to seven days.


While the borders have been open for nationals since July 15, this commonwealth in the eastern Caribbean will allow visitors starting Aug. 7. Travelers must submit a health questionnaire 24 hours before arrival along with a negative PCR test.

Dominican Republic

July 1 marked the country’s reopening for tourism, but it is taking many precautions to keep operations running smoothly. Passengers will be subject to temperature checks and a health form. Anyone with a temperature above 100.6 F will be tested and isolated and treated appropriately. Additionally, a curfew from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturdays and Sundays from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. took effect starting July 21.


The U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Ecuador reported that the country resumed commercial flight operations June 1, although the flight capacity has been greatly reduced. And, before you can embark on a much-needed vacation, the country requires all travelers to quarantine in Ecuador for 14 days upon arrival.


Once again, Egypt is open for international air travel, albeit in a limited capacity. Not much is outlined regarding testing requirements for travelers, but starting June 27, restaurants, cafes and movie theaters have opened and the nightly curfew is revoked.

Equatorial Guinea

All passengers coming from a foreign nation must present a negative PCR test conducted within 48 hours of arrival. While its borders are open for travel, the U.S. Embassy in Equatorial Guinea recommends checking for flight availability before booking any trip.

French Polynesia

To experience the islands of Tahiti and Bora Bora, nonresident travelers will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Before flying, passengers should fill out a health questionnaire and indicate which islands they plan to visit. While air travel is permitted, cruise ships remain banned.


The U.S. was never barred from traveling to Ireland throughout the pandemic, however, the country has implemented a mandatory 14-day quarantine for any travelers.


Jamaica opened its borders to international visitors on June 15, but like many places, it has many travel precautions to mitigate risk. All visitors will undergo a temperature check and a COVID-19 test along with submitting a travel authorization application before arrival. Depending on your home state, you may be required to submit a test even before departure. While the results are being processed, the government is asking travelers to remain in quarantine.

On the island, tourists must wear masks and abide by social distancing protocols. As an added measure, the Jamaican government has essentially roped off what it has termed the “COVID-19 Resilient Corridor” — a designated area of the country for tourism.


President Uhuru Kenyatta announced in a public address to the nation that Kenya will be reopening for international travel on Aug. 1. To enter the country, travelers need to present a negative PCR test. Kenyatta did not specify if the U.S. would be allowed to travel within Kenya’s border, so contacting the U.S. Embassy in Kenya is strongly advised.

The Link Lonk

August 01, 2020 at 03:37AM

Where in the world can Americans travel in the COVID-19 era? - TODAY

7 Mindset Hacks That Will Bring The Feeling Of Travel Home This Summer - Forbes

We’ve all had to shift our plans and find ways to foster a sense of normalcy amidst what can only be described as unprecedented times—but even if you’ve been fortunate enough to hold onto your job, stay in good health, and be near your family, canceling long awaited vacations and trips abroad can come as a real sore spot.

That said, there are plenty of ways to bring the feeling of travel home; to get the benefits of exploring a new destination from the comfort and safety of home. Here’s how mindset experts, travel bloggers, and successful digital nomads have been fulfilling their need to ‘travel’ without ever leaving the house.

From taking the time to indulge your senses to being grateful for past adventures, these mindset hacks and tricks will make you feel almost as rejuvenated as that trip to the South of France you had planned for the summer.

Ask yourself what you actually like about traveling.

Recommended For You

According to Sahara Rose De Vore, travel coach and founder of The Travel Coach Network, a key piece to bringing the feeling of travel home starts before the trip even happens. For travel to put an imprint on your heart, transform your mind, or feed your soul, you must be self-aware of what is driving your desire for adventure in the first place. De Vore urges you to ask yourself what is it that you need? What changes do you desire in your personal, home, or work-life? What are you struggling with most? Why do you crave a getaway? Why travel? No, really, why travel?

“Once you are mindful of the kinds of outcomes, transformations, or changes that you are looking for, you can decide on what types of experiences you need to have to achieve those,” explains De Vore. “It is in those experiences that an awakening, a change, or healing happens and that is what you will take home with you.”

Make room for indulgence and relaxation.

“As an entrepreneur, one of my motivators has been to build a lifestyle that allows for geographical and financial freedom and when COVID-19 hit, I started feeling extremely antsy about having to stay in one place,” explains Anouare Abdou, CEO & founder of SeekSolve.

The key here is to get creative and find ways to really tap into the joy of travel without leaving your neighborhood. “For example, on a sunny day (even though it was still winter in Canada), I took the time to assemble a cheese and charcuterie board and open a nice bottle of wine,” Abdou says, “I grabbed a summer beach read and enjoyed the spread on a lounge chair by the window. I ended up falling asleep under the sun. I almost felt like I was in Italy—a destination that I was planning to visit in 2020 before the pandemic.”

Be grateful for your past adventures.

Giving gratitude for your adventures is a great way to remind yourself of how much you’ve been able to see already—and all that you’ll see when you’re able to truly travel again. “Gratitude helps bring us to the present moment and provides peace and clarity,” explains Monica Nedeff, RDN, LD, adding that meditation is also a great way to foster a sense of gratitude for your memories. “Envision what you just read about in your journal and feel the gratitude rise to the surface. This will help bring back those good feelings and centeredness. When you open your eyes you will feel the abundance of the present moment.”

Evoke your senses.

According to Heidi Bright, chronic illness coach and national speaker, the best way to bring the feeling of travel home is to indulge your senses in a way that helps conjure up memories of past trips.

“A few years ago I went to France to visit the great Gothic cathedrals and to bring that soaring sense of immensities home with me, I bought transparencies of a few of the stained-glass windows I saw,” Bright explains. “I placed them in my kitchen window so that every morning when I raised the blinds, I would see the window images and sigh—it immediately transported me back to the spiritual expansiveness I basked in while meditating in the cathedrals.”

“A second way I retained the felt sensations of being in cathedrals was through only listening to ancient, pre-baroque music, the kind that would have been played in cathedrals,” added Bright. “Because music has the power to elicit powerful emotions, it would immediately transport me back into those lofty spaces.”

Make your home a place you want to be.

“With the pandemic understandably halting all of our travel plans this year, I spent this spring sprucing up our backyard with subtropical plants that transformed our backyard into a lush jungle that echoes our favorite places,” explains Meg Nordmann, author of Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas, “It’s now full of birds of paradise, papaya trees, elephant ears and bougainvillea. I even added a handmade hammock purchased from Nicaragua and had it shipped here just a month ago and it completes the tranquil vacation vibes we were missing.”

Making your home into a place you actually enjoy being in—whether echoing your favorite tropical country or a luxury hotel suite—offers a space to escape for peace and presence that will transport you to the mental state you seek when going on vacation: relaxed and full of gratitude.

Shake up your routine. 

You know that feeling when you go away for a weekend and it feels like you haven’t been home in weeks? According to Sarah Mikutel, host of the Postcard Academy podcast, this is because experiencing something new actually stretches your sense of time. 

“Want to bring that feeling of travel home? Do something random. Go camping. Bake a cake. Do an online experience that virtually takes you to another country (AirBnB has loads right now). Get out of your comfort zone!” Mikutel says.

Treat every task/habit like it could be your last.

Part of the magic of travel is the feeling of novelty, but it's also special because most people only visit each destination once. According to Mitch Glass, digital nomad coach and travel blogger, knowing it will be the last time you'll experience a destination is a constant reminder to stay in the present moment and relish the experience. 

But this mindfulness prompt isn't only limited to exotic destinations. It can be trained into your everyday experience at home as well. “All you have to do is set reminder alarms throughout the day, explains Glass. ‘Whenever the alarm sounds, you mentally shift into ‘last chance’ mode. Pretend that whatever you're doing at that moment will be the last time you'll ever be able to do it.”

This means that whether you’re eating dinner, taking a hot shower, or talking on the phone with a loved one, you’ll bring the wonder that makes travel so special into your everyday life (even the mundane daily tasks!).

The Link Lonk

August 01, 2020 at 03:43AM

7 Mindset Hacks That Will Bring The Feeling Of Travel Home This Summer - Forbes

NBA Player Jrue Holiday Wears Black Lives Matter-Inspired 'Say Their Names' Mask to Game - PEOPLE
Jrue Holiday Wears 'Say Their Names' Mask to Game |

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The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 08:54PM

NBA Player Jrue Holiday Wears Black Lives Matter-Inspired 'Say Their Names' Mask to Game - PEOPLE

Should Election Day be a national holiday? President Obama thinks so -

ATLANTA (NEXSTAR) — Former President Barack Obama used Rep. John Lewis’ funeral on Thursday to call for Election Day to be turned into a national holiday.

Speaking from the pulpit of the church that Martin Luther King Jr. once led in Atlanta, Obama presented the idea as a way “every American citizen has equal representation in our government.”

“If you are somebody who is working in a factory or you’re a single mom who has to go to her job and doesn’t get time off, you can still cast you ballot,” Obama said as those in attendance cheered.

Obama also called on Congress to renew the Voting Rights Act, which Trump and Republican congressional leaders have left unchanged since the Supreme Court diminished the landmark law in 2012.

“You want to honor John? Let’s honor him by revitalizing the law that he was willing to die for,” Obama said, arguing that the bipartisan praise for the Georgia congressman since his death isn’t enough.

Trump was the only living president who played no official role in a week of public remembrances for Lewis. Besides Obama and Bush, former President Bill Clinton spoke Thursday at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Former President Jimmy Carter, who is 95, sent a statement read by the church’s senior pastor, the Rev. Raphael Warnock.

Lewis had called Trump an illegitimate president ahead of his 2017 inauguration and chided him for stoking racial divisions. Trump answered by calling Lewis “all talk, talk, talk (and) no action” and describing his Atlanta congressional district as “crime infested.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 10:49PM

Should Election Day be a national holiday? President Obama thinks so -

Choose Hyatt Over Choice Hotels When Signs Of Travel Return - Forbes

Hyatt stock (NYSE: H) has declined by close to 40% since early February after the WHO declared the coronavirus disease a global health emergency, while Choice Hotels CHH’ stock (NYSE: CHH) has fared slightly better and lost only 20% of its value. Lockdown measures and social distancing norms have significantly affected the travel & tourism industry across the world. More so, the hotel occupancy rates have fallen off the cliff triggering fears of a prolonged downturn for the sector. Royalty or franchise fees, which are charged as a percentage of third-party hotel revenues, contribute a major chunk of both hotel operator’s earnings. In fact, Choice Hotels’ franchising business contributes 97% of the total revenues. While the expansion of the total room portfolio is a key factor supporting earnings growth, Trefis believes that Hyatt is likely to gain more with the recovery in travel demand as compared to Choice Hotels primarily due to a low current valuation multiple (EV/EBITDA).

Our conclusion is based on our detailed dashboard analysis, Is Choice Hotels Expensive Or Cheap vs. Hyatt Hotels? wherein we compare trends in key metrics for the two hotel companies over the years to determine their relative valuations under the current circumstances. We summarize parts of this analysis below.

Why Has Choice Hotels Outperformed Hyatt Over Recent Months?

Choice Hotels’ EV/EBITDA based on 2019 earnings has declined from over 18x in 2019 to 15.4x currently, while Hyatt’s multiple has declined from 14.6x to about 9.5x. The steeper decline in Hyatt’s multiple can be mostly attributed to its lower EBITDA margin.

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However, Choice Hotels’ multiple still appears high, considering that the company’s revenues and margins also face the same systemic risk of a prolonged slump in travel demand compared to Hyatt. Notably, Hyatt’s EV/EBITDA is at the lowest level in the past three years, but Choice Hotels’ EV/EBITDA is around the same level seen at the end of 2017 - hinting that a market correction could happen if travel restrictions are not eased due to the second wave of the pandemic.

But How Long Will The Hotel Industry Remain Under Pressure?

The expected timeline for recovery in global economic conditions, and in travel demand, hinge on the broader containment of the coronavirus spread. Our dashboard forecasting US Covid-19 cases with cross-country comparisons analyzes expected recovery time-frames and possible spread of the virus. Further, our dashboard -28% Coronavirus crash vs. 4 Historic crashes builds a complete macro picture and complements our analyses of the coronavirus outbreak’s impact on a diverse set of Choice Hotels’ multinational peers, including Hilton and Hyatt. The complete set of coronavirus impact and timing analyses is available here.

As travel demand remains subdued, are Covid-19 Treatment Stocks a better bet? We highlight the stock performance of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals REGN , Gilead Sciences GILD , Amgen AMGN , and Alexion Pharmaceuticals in another dashboard.

See all Trefis Price Estimates and Download Trefis Data here

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The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 05:00PM

Choose Hyatt Over Choice Hotels When Signs Of Travel Return - Forbes

Domestic travel not replacing global visits - The Times-Independent
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Domestic travel not replacing global visits  The Times-Independent The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 07:00PM

Domestic travel not replacing global visits - The Times-Independent

School confessional: ‘What happens when parents have to work?' - WDIV ClickOnDetroit

The following is a response to our call for people to share thoughts and concerns about Michigan schools returning to in-person learning this fall.

“The problem I have with online learning is what happens when parents have to work? I can’t be at home to make sure my kids are doing the work and making the appointments. I am fortunate at least that my children are old enough to stay home by themselves. What happens to people with younger children? I understand the concerns about safety, but these are big issues as well.”

-- Anonymous

View more: School Confessionals

School confessionals: Share your thoughts, concerns about return to in-person learning

Michigan school districts, colleges and universities are working to prepare for a return to in-person classes this fall amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In-person classes were stopped in March when the virus swept through Michigan. On June 30, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer revealed her plan to help schools across the state return to in-person learning this fall. The “MI Safe Schools Return to School Roadmap” is a 63-page document that outlines coronavirus (COVID-19) safety protocols for each phase of Whitmer’s reopening plan.

The governor’s order requires each school district to adopt a COVID-19 plan that lays out how it will protect students and educators across the various phases of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. Whitmer’s roadmap is to be used as a guide.

This has everyone -- parents, teachers and students -- wondering whether this is a good idea, how well it can be accomplished, how safe everyone can be kept, and what exactly the best to do this will be.

Please share your thoughts and concerns about returning to in-person learning this fall -- we want to hear from you:


The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 05:00PM

School confessional: ‘What happens when parents have to work?' - WDIV ClickOnDetroit

Weekend road and rail: Planned stops on I-66; Red Line work with changes - WTOP

Metro’s 24/7 summer track work project has moved to the Red Line and more changes are in store for this weekend.

Stops are scheduled as Interstate 66 Transforms Outside the Beltway, and bridge reconstruction and paving are happening in Maryland.


Through Saturday, Aug. 1, work continues on the Red Line with the Takoma Park station closed. Buses will be replacing trains between Fort Totten and Silver Spring stations.

The free shuttle service that will be provided continues to make a stop at the Takoma Station, but Metro recommends commuters add up to 20 minutes of extra travel time to their trips.

Riders can also consider using the Green/Yellow Lines as an alternate route when traveling between Fort Totten and Gallery Place-Chinatown.

The new variation of the Red Line track work begins Sunday with buses replacing trains between Grosvenor-Strathmore and Friendship Heights stations. This new work is scheduled through Aug. 14 and will see the Medical Center and Bethesda stations closed, with the free shuttle service scheduled to make stops at those two stations.

The summer platform rehabilitation project and shutdown continues, and nine Metrorail stations on the Orange and Silver Lines remain closed.

With no Silver Line trains, Orange Line trains operate between Ballston-MU and New Carrollton only. All stations west of Ballston-MU remain closed, and stations between Ballston-MU and Largo Town Center continue to be served by Orange and/or Blue Line trains.

Courtesy WMATA

Metrobus continues to operate from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m. on a Modified Sunday schedule.

For your safety, all customers are required to wear face coverings when riding mass transit.



Severe weather in Prince George’s County this summer has caused an extreme rise and turbulence along the Potomac River and its feeders. One of these feeders, Piscataway Creek, has risen so far above its banks as to do significant damage to a couple of secondary roadway bridges.

The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has closed one such bridge for rehabilitation on Accokeek Road (MD 373) between MD 5 / Branch Avenue and McKendree Road.

On MD 373 (Accokeek Road), the bridge over Burch Branch, a distributary of Piscataway Creek, is now closed and detoured due to structural damage through this fall.

The detours are in place with variable message boards set to guide motorists around the closure. To access MD 373 (Accokeek Road) from southbound MD 5 (Branch Avenue):

  • Continue onto US 301 (Crain Highway)
  • Right onto MD 228 (Berry Road)
  • Right onto MD 210 (Indian Head Highway)
  • Right onto Livingston Road
  • Left onto Bealle Hill Road
  • Right onto MD 373

From northbound MD 5 (Branch Avenue), use the Spine Road overpass to turn onto MD 5 (Branch Avenue) southbound and follow the same directions.

Elsewhere, there is overnight work in Howard County on MD 32, where crews have started installing concrete beams to form the deck of the new MD 32 bridge over Terrapin Branch, which is just north of Fox Chase Road.

The work is scheduled for 7 p.m. overnight into Saturday morning, weather permitting, and will require single lane closures with a flagging operation on MD 32 between Nixon’s Farm Lane and Fox Chase Road.


There are significant overnight work zones planned this weekend, VDOT says. As part of the Transform I-66 Outside of the Beltway Project, motorists should be aware that I-66 will be reduced to one lane overnight between Monument Drive and I-495 the Capital Beltway as the overhead bridge work continues.

In this work zone overnight, drivers can expect periodic stops of up to 30 minutes at a time between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., with westbound stops possible through 6 a.m. as crews are expected to lift the bridge beams into place.

Also, there is an overnight closure scheduled for the ramp from Gallows Road south to I-495 south the Outer Loop of the Capital Beltway into Saturday morning. There will be a detour posted to go farther south on Gallows Road to make a U-turn.

This closure is part of the paving for this overall transformation project.

All work is weather and crew dependent with variations possible.


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will temporarily close two left lanes on I-395 southbound and a single left lane on I-395 northbound to perform construction activities along I-395 for future sign structure replacements overnights beginning 8 p.m. on Thursday into Saturday morning.

The work is scheduled to be set up along I-395 northbound and southbound between the 9th Street and 4th Street Expressways, closing lanes along with the ramps from the 9th Street Expressway to I-395 northbound with detours posted.

Drivers will be detoured for the ramp closure using D Street SW, 7th Street SW, 9th Street SW, and Maine Avenue SW, as indicated in the map below. Notable delays should be expected around the project area, and motorists are advised to use an alternative route, if possible.

Map courtesy DDOT
The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 03:22PM

Weekend road and rail: Planned stops on I-66; Red Line work with changes - WTOP

‘Bubbles’ Are Working. But How Long Can Sports Stay Inside? - The New York Times

Amid all the uncertainties saddling the resumption of sports in the shadow of the coronavirus, this much seems clear: Bubbles work. How long they will remain in use is another question.

While a spreading coronavirus outbreak has threatened to derail the abbreviated season in Major League Baseball, which elected not to sequester its players when it began play last week, it has been hard to ignore how serenely play has continued inside American sports’ so-called bubbles, the tightly controlled campus environments where some leagues have elected to operate.

The National Women’s Soccer League completed a virus-free monthlong tournament inside a Utah bubble — albeit after one team dropped out before arriving because of an outbreak. Major League Soccer, after losing two teams during its own early stumbles, has not recorded a positive test since July 10 at its enclosed setup in Florida.

The pattern has continued with the N.B.A., which restarted its season on Thursday at Walt Disney World and has not logged a case since July 13, and the W.N.B.A., which opened play last weekend and recorded its last positive test back on July 9. The N.H.L. will have similar hopes of safety when it returns to play this weekend inside two bubble sites in Canada.

“So far they have looked very intact and safe, and constant vigilance is going to be required to make sure they stay that way,” Dr. Zachary Binney, an epidemiologist specializing in sports at Emory University, said about the efficacy of bubbles. “I was always optimistic, but this has exceeded my expectations.”

Credit...Rick Bowmer/Associated Press

But while bubbles are proving to be the best and safest way to conduct the business of playing sports, they do not last forever. And it is what comes next — as teams and leagues attempt something resembling normalcy in communities where the virus is still on the rise — that will be a riskier test for sports.

M.L.S., for example, will push ahead with plans to allow its teams to resume play in their home stadiums later this summer, if local rules allow it. The N.F.L. is expected to open its 2020 season this fall with teams in their home markets as well. And baseball has vowed to push forth as long as it can, even as it contorts its competitive structures at the whims of a capricious virus.

The only reason bubbles became necessary, of course, is because the United States failed to wrest control of the virus in ways that other developed nations have. In Europe, most of the world’s top soccer leagues finished their seasons with teams playing in their own stadiums. Fans were allowed back into baseball stadiums in South Korea this week.

But M.L.B.’s stunning outbreak — 17 players on the Miami Marlins tested positive for the virus in recent days, causing a chain reaction of scheduling disruptions — served as a stark reminder of the risks associated with resuming work in American communities right now.

Credit...Chris Szagola/Associated Press

“We all read of what’s going on in baseball,” said Bob Bradley, the coach of Los Angeles F.C, who credited M.L.S. players for their discipline inside the league’s Florida bubble and for enduring the psychological challenges of being far from their homes and families. “It’s still hard to know whether that’s something that is going to close down the league, or whether it’s just something that happens in a team and spreads and has to be dealt with.”

M.L.S. officials, now pondering life after the bubble, have been watching how baseball navigates its crisis.

But even as questions about the wisdom of returning to play in dozens of virus-ridden communities have grown louder, there has been a level of confidence internally that the lessons learned while inside the bubble — the importance of constant testing, mask-wearing and, more important, the conscientious conduct of athletes — will serve players well outside of it. For now, though, M.L.S. remains committed to returning teams to the field in their home markets later this summer.

“We have to be mindful of what’s happening in the markets where we’re trying to play, but the commitment we’ll have there is the same commitment we’ve had here, which is that we’re prioritizing the health and safety of all of our participants,” said M.L.S. deputy commissioner Mark Abbott, who has been living and working inside the league’s bubble at the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex at Disney World near Orlando, alongside the players and other staff members.

Credit...Carter Augustine

The drawbacks of bubbles, of course, are plain. They are difficult to organize, expensive to maintain and emotionally taxing on players, who cannot return to their homes for weeks or months at a time.

Michele Roberts, the executive director of the N.B.A. Players Association, said in an interview this week that the league and union were watching closely for any “adverse consequences of being segregated from family and community for extended periods of time.”

Roberts said that for all the safety afforded by a sport’s bubble environment, the emotional strain on the people inside it was obvious.

“Months of life in this bubble is not an extended vacation,” said Roberts, who has been on site at Disney World among the teams. “I’m reminded of this every time I see a player doing FaceTime with a young child.”

And still, because the concept is working, Roberts told ESPN on Tuesday that the ongoing spread of the virus could lead the N.B.A. to play the 2020-2021 season, which it hopes to start in December, inside a bubble, too. “So it may be that, if the bubble is the way to play, then that is likely going to be the way we play next season, if things remain as they are,” she said.

The size and structural ambitions of certain leagues can make bubbles seem impractical. The N.F.L., for instance, features 53-man rosters and almost innumerable staff members, and it typically runs a six-month season, making the sequestering of players a greater logistical, financial and emotional challenge than the one tackled by the N.B.A.

Credit...Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

Keeping players inside a strictly controlled environment for more than a few months also has limited appeal. The teams that reach the N.B.A. Finals, for example, can expect to be inside theirs until October.

Lisa Baird, the commissioner of the N.W.S.L., said her league’s compact tournament schedule and the stresses of quarantining in a hotel had required a high level of sustained intensity from players that would be difficult to keep up over a longer period. She said the league was still planning its next move, including a possible return to play this fall, but that another restricted-campus setup was not on the table.

“There’s the old adage, ‘It’s a marathon, not a sprint,’” Baird said. “But with our format, it was both a sprint and a marathon.”

The leagues’ successes inside their respective bubbles will continue to raise moral questions about their very existence, particularly in light of the sheer number of daily coronavirus tests and laboratory resources required to keep the operations running, all while testing logjams persist around the country.

In this context, the contrasting fortunes of baseball and the sports world’s bubble-dwellers could lead one to a discomfiting conclusion about the state of the industry:

Bubbles, Binney said, “may be the only way you can safely have sports in the U.S.A. right now.”

That premise will soon be put to the test.

The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 03:10AM

‘Bubbles’ Are Working. But How Long Can Sports Stay Inside? - The New York Times

Canadian government increases restrictions on road travel to Alaska - KTUU

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Starting July 31 restrictions on foreign travelers through Canada to Alaska will tighten, the Canada Border Services Agency announced.

The Government of Canada said it was placing new restrictions on travel in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the country. The new rules place additional requirements on foreigners traveling through Canada for a “non-discretionary purpose” like traveling to a job or a primary residence.

This means travelers can only enter Canada at one of five designated ports of entry. Those entry points are Abbotsford-Huntingdon in British Columbia, Coutts in Alberta, Kingsgate in British Columbia, North Portal in Saskatchewan and Osoyoos in British Columbia.

The government wants to minimize the time a foreigner is traveling through Canada and will give travelers a time period in which they must reach their destination. Foreigners must take the most direct path from their point of entry to their exit point. Travelers are not allowed to visit national parks or tourism sites.

The travelers will be issued a tag that they attach to their rearview mirror to signal that they are travelers and must leave Canada by the printed date. The tag will also include reminders about travel rules and safety measures.

The Canadian government also asks travelers entering the U.S. to report their exit at the nearest designated port.

The increased restrictions will also impact non-Canadian citizens traveling through Canada from Alaska but those entering from Alaska are not required to transit through a designated port. However, the border services officer at the northern border could impose other restrictions.

Travelers should have documentation explaining the reason they are trying to travel through Canada, though the border services officer can make a decision about whether a traveler meets the requirements to enter the country.

While in Canada, travelers are asked to follow Public Health Agency of Canada guidance which asks that they avoid contact with others, remain in the vehicle as much as possible, avoid making unnecessary stops, be socially distant, pay at the pump for gas, use a drive-thru for food and wear face coverings.

The Government of Canada said people with COVID-19 or people who are symptomatic will be barred from entering the country.

The temporary border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada have been in place since March 21 and optional travel is still prohibited.

The government said they could deny entry or ban foreigners who provide false information. The Government of Canada’s Quarantine Act has hefty fines for people who don’t comply with border restrictions. The act also includes imprisonment of up to three years for people who intentionally harm others while transiting through Canada.

For more information visit the Canada Border Services Agency website.

Copyright 2020 KTUU. All rights reserved.

The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 07:31AM

Canadian government increases restrictions on road travel to Alaska - KTUU

You Asked If It's Safe To Travel Right Now, So We Had Experts Answer - BuzzFeed

Brown: Sitting on an airplane, whether it be in coach or business class, involves a level of risk. You will be touching surfaces, you will be interacting with [flight attendants], you will be interacting and in close contact with other travelers. If everyone is masked and if physical distancing measures are put into place, that is safer than if none of those precautions are taken. If we do reinitiate travel, it will never be the same again, and maybe it shouldn’t be.

Strathdee: Window seats make more sense now because people will be walking through the aisles to use the restroom. Bringing your own bottle for water is a good idea, and even your own utensils. Try to avoid airlines that pack people in, unless they say they’re committed to leaving middle seats empty. Choose flight times that are less popular and will therefore be less busy. If you can afford it, travel business class because there will be more space. The biggest area of risk is the bathroom — it is a high-traffic area, a small space that is "high touch," (e.g., bathroom handle, flush button, taps) and there is potential exposure to multiple body fluids (nasal, droplet/aerosol, fecal matter). If you have to go, take some wipes with you to avoid touching the door, flusher, etc.

The Link Lonk

July 30, 2020 at 02:19AM

You Asked If It's Safe To Travel Right Now, So We Had Experts Answer - BuzzFeed

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Apple Earnings Surge Behind Stimulus and Remote Work - The Wall Street Journal

Apple Inc. showed the technology industry’s resilience amid the pandemic, reporting a better-than-expected 11% increase in quarterly sales from a year earlier as it benefited from strong demand for apps and work-from-home devices and avoided a downturn in its iPhone business.

The tech giant posted revenue in its fiscal third quarter of $59.69 billion, even as a new wave of coronavirus outbreaks across the U.S. led the company to again close stores. Profit rose about 12% to $11.25 billion, or $2.58 a share.

... The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 05:41AM

Apple Earnings Surge Behind Stimulus and Remote Work - The Wall Street Journal

Trudeau defends work on contract now engulfing his government - POLITICO

The problems for Trudeau erupted after the contract, worth up to C$43.5 million, was signed with WE Charity to administer a C$544 million student grant program that’s part of Canada’s pandemic response. Trudeau has already been found guilty of breaking conflict-of-interest laws since becoming minister in 2015 twice before and the latest row has kicked off a probe by the ethics commissioner once again — an investigation that encompasses his finance minister — and calls by rivals for his resignation.

WE works on international development projects and educational programs, mostly in the U.S. and Canada, that teach young people about civic engagement. But the deal, announced in late June, was canceled within days amid an uproar about the charity's connections to Trudeau's family, including revelations that his mother and brother have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking, travel and hospitality fees by the organization over the past half decade.

Trudeau himself has spoken at major WE events and his wife has been one of the group’s ambassadors, which is an unpaid role except for expenses.

While fielding questions Thursday, Trudeau repeated that in hindsight he should have removed himself from the Cabinet's decision-making process around the contract once he discovered WE was involved. He also stressed that the cloud of the pandemic had quickened the overall pace of policy discussions and that he didn't weigh in on the recommendation to go with WE, which came from the public service.

Trudeau said he was informed by government officials that given the short time frame it was a binary choice: go with WE or the program would not move forward at all.

At another point in the hearing, Trudeau suggested that because of those past ethics controversies he approached the WE contract with more caution.

But Trudeau's critics weren't swayed by his introspection. New Democrat MP Charlie Angus said he didn't buy the prime minister's explanation, calling it “an obvious conflict of interest" because of his connection with WE's co-founders, Marc and Craig Kielburger.

“There were numerous red flags with this proposal. It fell apart the second it was announced," Angus told Trudeau. “You give an impression … that you don’t believe the laws that define what politicians can and cannot do apply to you.”

Angus said Trudeau's actions leading up to the contract's cancellation have hurt young people who were hoping to be compensated for volunteer opportunities this summer.

Trudeau took a risk with his appearance before a parliamentary committee, where opponents can grill witnesses in sometimes-chaotic settings known for constant interruptions, raised voices and testy exchanges.

The prime minister was repeatedly pressed on how much WE paid for his wife's recent travel to an event in London, whether he had read the Conflict of Interest Act and sidestepped questions about who would be fired for the decision to award the WE contract.

WE's yanked contract has also swamped Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Trudeau’s trusted economic quarterback of the federal Covid-19 response. Morneau revealed to the same committee last week that he failed to pay for more than C$41,000 worth of travel expenses from trips he, his wife and one of their daughters took with WE in 2017. Morneau, who has a daughter who works for WE, insisted he only just realized that he hadn’t paid for the travel costs.

Morneau, who is also under investigation by the ethics commissioner, has also apologized publicly for not recusing himself from the decision to award the contract to WE.

Both Trudeau and Morneau have faced demands from political rivals to resign over the matter and polls suggest the controversy has already eroded Liberal support and Trudeau’s approval ratings, which surged after the start of the pandemic.

Since last fall’s election, there’s been little apparent appetite among opposition parties to defeat Trudeau's minority Liberal government and trigger another election. But Conservatives are set to elect a new leader in late August and could be tempted to topple the government.

The prime minister has shown he can withstand scandals, including the public release during last year's election campaign of images of him wearing brownface 20 years ago.

His first violation of the ethics law was over a 2016 all-expenses vacation he and his family took to the Aga Khan’s private Caribbean island. Then, last year, the ethics watchdog found that Trudeau broke conflict-of-interest law after he and his staff repeatedly urged his former attorney general to strike a plea-bargain deal with the SNC-Lavalin engineering firm, which faced corruption charges.

Trudeau also weathered blow back from a 2018 trip to India when he had to rescind a dinner invitation he’d issued to a Sikh extremist who had been accused of attempting to murder an Indian politician.

Despite the controversies, Trudeau was reelected last year — but voters reduced him and his Liberals to just a minority status in Parliament. The weakened mandate has forced them to work with opposition parties to pass legislation and to keep the government afloat.

The WE contract has also put more scrutiny on the financial activities of the big international charity itself. Earlier this week, the Kielburgers fielded questions before the finance committee.

WE has had considerable international reach. Its website, which features photos of the Kielburgers posing with international celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry, says the charity has worked with some of the “world’s most renowned thinkers and social activists.”

The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 07:26AM

Trudeau defends work on contract now engulfing his government - POLITICO

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