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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Celebrate National CBD Day By Learning How You Can Travel With CBD - Forbes

When international travel resumes after COVID-19 lock downs are eased, most travelers will likely feel a little nervous to get back to the airport.

Along with all the normal travel stressors like long lines to get through security, and possible delays, a return to traveling will also include bigger anxieties like keeping yourself and your loved ones healthy and safe and not contributing to any further spread of the virus.

Once it’s safe to travel again, carrying a little helper along to relax and ease any anxiety is a great idea. August 8th is National CBD day, and this natural stress reliever can be an excellent companion on long journeys.

So, to celebrate National CBD day, we asked some experts from Sunday Scaries to share the rules regarding traveling with CBD.

What is CBD?

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CBD or cannabidiol is a compound found in the Cannabis sativa or marijuana plant. It’s not the part that people smoke to get high, however, some have reported that it makes them feel calm, relaxed and that it can ease pain.

You can get CBD in mints, oil, cosmetics and even sparkling drinks, like the all-natural CBD beverages from Bimble. They come in Grapefruit Basil Mint or Blueberry Lemon Ginger flavor and include 25mg of broad-spectrum hemp extract.

CBD can be an excellent aid to help with travel worries and anxieties, but can you travel safely with it and what are the regulations around transporting it from place to place?

The Farm Bill of 2018 made a distinction between CBD derived from hemp and that from marijuana. It made hemp derived CBD legal federally, meaning it can be transported across borders.

However, there have been other updates to the rules surrounding CBD and travel.

CBD and Travel

We asked Mike Sill and Beau Schmitt, Co-Founders of Sunday Scaries, about the TSA regulations concerning CBD and which products gain a place in their carry-on bag.

Why should travelers pack CBD for their journey?

Mike Sill: “If you’ve ever been stuck on the runway, experienced flight delays, and long security lines, then you know the inevitable struggles and frustrations that come with traveling.

I always travel with my Sunday Scaries CBD Tincture to help put my mind at ease.”

The 1-ounce bottle, which contains 500 mg of CBD, is in line with the TSA regulations concerning liquids, as well as the rules that CBD must be capped at 0.3% of THC.

How much CBD can you fly with?

Beau Schmitt: “Thanks to the TSA clarifying its policies last May, (May 2019) flying with CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC in your carry-on is now permitted.”

Many states have changed their rules concerning CBD but as many CBD oils still remain illegal at the federal level it’s important to carefully check TSA regulations before traveling. You can find them here.

Why do you carry CBD on flights?

Beau Schmitt: “From being stuck in a middle seat to crying babies, a lot can throw me off during a flight, and for this reason, I always keep CBD gummies in my hand like a safety blanket.” 

Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies contain 10mg of CBD per gummy as well as vitamins D3 and B12.

The company also makes other CBD infused products including vegan gummies without the usual gelatin found in other gummy products, tinctures, caffeinated YOLO shots, and the oh so pretty and fun Unicorn Jerky.

These colourful rainbow CBD candy strips were initially offered to celebrate Pride but were so popular that they have become a permanent fixture.

Before You Fly

If you are traveling internationally and decide to take CBD with you, you’ll want to very carefully check the rules of the country you will be arriving at, as regulations do differ around the world.

If you need a little non-alcoholic pick me up before you fly or while we are all grounded at home during lock downs grab a chilled Bimble instead and plan that next flight somewhere exciting!

The Link Lonk

August 05, 2020 at 06:00PM

Celebrate National CBD Day By Learning How You Can Travel With CBD - Forbes


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