It’s the holiday season, and many of us are scurrying about trying to find last-minute presents for our friends and loved ones for the holidays. But as the holidays ramp up, so too does crime in and around stores and malls, which is where holiday shopping safety tips can come in handy.
Large chain stores like Walmart and other grocery chains are no stranger to this uptick in holiday-related danger.
If you’ve ever been in a parking lot (or deck) at night, you probably know that it’s imperative that you keep your wits about you, not wear headphones or listen to music, and generally pay attention to your surroundings.
But how else can you stay safe while holiday shopping, especially while you’re in the store itself?
In addition to staying safe while you shop, there are myriad other dangers that the holidays invite. Unfortunately, house fires, holiday theft, and other issues with personal security come alongside the thrill of the holiday season.
At Marks Law Group, we want you and your family to enjoy your holidays together. While holidays are generally fun-filled times, injuries can certainly happen. Shopping, cooking, Christmas trees, and unsafe toys all pose possible threats.
In this article, we will go over some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe, including:
Holiday Crime
Cooking and Food-related Injuries
Christmas Tree Safety
Shopping Injuries and holiday shopping safety tips
Unsafe Toys and Product Liability
Does Crime Go Up During the Holidays?
The short answer to this question is, yes!
Our home state of Georgia has a marked increase in holiday crime. In fact, “Georgia has one of the highest holiday larceny rates in the country with 72.3 reported thefts per 10,000 residents” (
Not only do we have one of the highest larceny (theft of personal property) rates in the country, but we’re number four in the nation for the most December thefts.
A study by Vivint home security cited in found that the following crimes occurred most frequently during the holidays:
“Larceny (stealing or attempting to steal without breaking into a building or threatening a victim, including pickpocketing and breaking into a car);
Burglary (unlawfully entering someone else’s property, with a key or by force, to steal possessions or commit any other crime);
Auto theft (stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle);
Robbery (stealing or attempting to steal property from a victim under threat of violence or violence).”
We all want to avoid ALL of the above, which is why considering your own personal safety and the safety of those you love during the holidays is so important.
Tips to Avoid Holiday Crime
One way that you can ensure that you and your family are safe this holiday season is to make sure that you follow these tips provided by the National Neighborhood Watch:
If you are staying home this holiday season, make sure to:
keep a close eye on all your door locks and window locks. It’s important to use them! Also, don’t hide keys under doormats or in plants.
Trim overgrown foliage around doors and windows so there is no place for anyone to hide.
Lock your vehicle and make sure no presents or valuables can be seen.
Beware of strangers at your door, and ask for identification from salespeople or from strangers making unexpected deliveries. Make sure to warn children to always let an adult answer the door.
Keep in mind delivery safety and keep yourself and your children safe around delivery vehicles, whose presence in our neighborhoods increases exponentially this time of year.
If you are leaving for the holidays, keep the following in mind:
Never post on social media that you are leaving your home!
Have a trusted friend or relative check on your home and switch on different lights each time they drop by.
If you can’t have someone drop by, use timers for your lights, including any holiday lights and decorations you have displayed outside.
Remember to make arrangements for all mail, newspapers, and packages that might be delivered to your door while you are away.
After the holidays, make sure to:
Refrain from advertising large purchases on social media.
Break down large boxes and take them to a recycling center yourself–do not leave big boxes on the curb.
Other ways to keep yourself and your family safe include investing in smart locks and home cameras, as well as investing in home security (and if you have a system, make sure to use it!).
Hanukah tablescape
Your holiday gathering should be free from injury and crime. If you have experienced either, please reach out to us.
Cooking and Food-related Injuries
One of the best parts of the holidays is undoubtedly the FOOD! I would bet that as you’re reading this, you can smell the holiday pies, cakes, and cookies that your family indulges in during the holiday season.
But did you know that alongside these treats comes a greater risk of holiday injury?
Kitchen Appliance Injuries
Cuts, burns, and faulty kitchen products can cause cooking injuries, especially during the holidays. Keep yourself safe by staying focused, reading instructions, and treating any injuries promptly.
Refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens are a few of the kitchen appliances that could cause injuries if they are not properly constructed, inspected, and installed.
If you are injured by a kitchen appliance or product, be sure to keep the product in its current condition and avoid disposing of it until unless it presents a safety risk.
Foodborne Illnesses
Kitchen appliances are not the only potential dangers in the kitchen. Foodborne illnesses are also cause for concern.
Unfortunately, some cases of food poisoning can go beyond vomiting and gastrointestinal discomfort: severe cases can cause lasting health problems and even death, particularly for the very young and the elderly.
Pay attention to food recalls you hear about on the news and follow food safety guidelines.
If you become severely ill from food poisoning, please seek medical treatment immediately. Consider reaching out to Marks Law Group if you can trace your illness to a specific food or even a restaurant.
Christmas Tree Safety
Christmas trees are one of the most beloved symbols of the holiday season. The glittering lights and brightly-colored ornaments are a wonderful backdrop for making memories if you celebrate this holiday.
Whether your tree is fresh or faux, there are some key safety considerations to keep in mind:
Water your real tree. Your tree needs plenty of water to stay as fresh as possible. Choose the freshest tree by looking for a bright green tree with needles that don’t pluck off easily. When your tree begins to drop its needles, remove the tree from your home.
Stabilize your tree. Use a sturdy stand. Consider a stand with a broad base. You can also anchor your tree using weights or a fishing line if you feel it needs some extra stability.
Inspect lights/ wiring. Check your lights carefully to make sure they are in good repair and working properly. Buy lights from a reputable retailer and be wary of bargain lights. Check the box to be sure lights were tested in a lab. Use LED lights, which tend to be cooler. Don’t overload outlets.
Keep your tree away from heat sources. Candles and a fire in the fireplace add to the ambiance of the holiday season. However, it is a bad idea to light a fire near your Christmas tree. Be sure to keep your tree away from open flame and heat sources, like space heaters.
Turn off lights each night. Before you go to bed, turn off your tree. Unplugging is best. You should also unplug the tree when you are away from home.
Decorating the tree
Make sure to water real trees and always turn off the lights when you go to bed or are away from home.
Holiday Shopping Injuries
We have written about shopping injuries previously on our blog, but this advice bears repeating!
When shopping for the perfect holiday gift, avoid displays that seem unstable or items placed too high to reach easily. Avoid overly crowded displays or displays that aren’t straightened or look precarious.
You should also be on the lookout for spills that could cause you to slip and fall. During the holidays, store employees can be overworked and burned out, and high volumes of store traffic can mean spills and other unsafe conditions. You want to make sure that this does not mean injury for you!
Use common sense, and know that you have the right to shop in a safe environment.
Keeping Shoppers Safe
Businesses have a responsibility to keep shoppers safe by keeping the aisles clear and accessible; stacking items safely, and securing items that could fall on customers.
If you are injured while shopping, consider taking the following steps:
Report and document the incident. Notify the manager and complete an incident report. Make sure your incident has been recorded, and snap a photo of the incident report once it is complete for your records. You might also photograph the area where the incident occurred.
Identify any witnesses. If possible, obtain their contact information and a recorded statement of what they saw happen.
Seek medical attention. Depending on the severity of your injury, get medical help as soon as possible. Clearly explain the cause of your injury to medical professionals. Follow your medical provider’s instructions.
Unsafe Toys and Product Liability
The holidays may bring an abundance of toys and gifts from well-meaning relatives who have not considered any dangers the toys could present to your children. Both Hanukkah and Christmas present plenty of opportunities for presents for young children.
Even toys that look safe could pose hidden dangers.
Ultimately, toy manufacturers have a responsibility to use safe materials in safe ways to produce safe toys with clear age limits and warnings included on their packaging.
Of course, there are steps that you, as a parent or caregiver, can take to keep your children safe around toys:
Stick to gifts designed for your kids’ ages.
Check for small parts.
Research toys for possible recalls.
Be wary of toys with strings or cords attached that could pose a strangulation risk.
Supervise young children playing with new toys at first.
Make sure that all clothing (especially pajamas) given to your children is flame retardant or fits snugly.
If your child does become injured by a toy or other gift, Marks Law Group can help you determine if you have a case.
Marks Law Group Wishes You a Happy Holiday Season!
At Marks Law Group, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. If you or a loved one experiences a food or product-related injury this holiday season, please feel free to call us immediately for support.
We are here to connect you to the resources you need and get you the compensation you deserve. To us, your case is personal: we are here to support the members of our community and the greater Atlanta area. We are experienced, and we know how to help.
Happy Holidays from the Marks Law Group team!
The Link LonkJanuary 07, 2021 at 11:55PM
Staying Safe this Holiday Season: Holiday Shopping Safety Tips and More! - Blog
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