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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Women And The Pandemic: Serious Damage To Work, Health And Home Demands Response - Forbes

You’ve heard it before: The pandemic has disproportionality affected women. But you may not have realized the scope of the hit. It’s extraordinarily significant—a tremendous toll. Women’s experiences at home, their health, their work and economic wellbeing have all been negatively affected. And the pandemic has impeded women in the present, but also has negatively affected their futures.  

But beyond these negative effects, organizations can take steps to make a positive impact. Here’s what you must know about the scale of the damage and the potential responses.

Negative Effects

Experiences At Home

Women’s experiences at home have been significantly affected—in some especially dangerous ways. According to a study by the University of California Davis, domestic violence against women has increased significantly. Researchers attribute this to increased social isolation creating more stress which can result in violent reactions. Social isolation has also caused circumstances where victims and aggressors cannot separate, and there are fewer options for women to escape their conditions.

Women are also carrying more of the burden in terms of domestic responsibilities. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found mothers take on a greater share of tasks including their own work as well as facilitating learning for children and owning household responsibilities. This was especially true when women worked remotely and their male partner didn’t.

Similarly, a September 202 study by McKinsey found mothers are more than three times as likely, compared with fathers, to meet the majority of the demands for housework and caregiving during the pandemic. In addition, they are more than one and a half times as likely as fathers to spend three or more hours per day on these activities. Rodger Price, Founding Partner of Leading by DESIGN sees this in the extensive executive coaching he offers, “So many women take more psychological ownership for how the home is going. The normal pressure of this during the pandemic, plus…dealing with the impact on their work, [can be] overwhelming…”

This is also consistent with classic sociological literature from Arlie Hochschild in which women were found to work a “second shift.” They would complete their day of paid work and then spend another full shift doing work at home supporting children, families and at-home tasks. This dynamic of the “second shift” has been exacerbated by the limits and lockdowns associated with the pandemic.



Women’s health is also suffering. A study of over 28,000 women by the University of British Columbia found women going through the stress of the pandemic are more likely to suffer from hypertension. This is especially true when they are experiencing social isolation and are in middle or older age groups. Another study by Drexel University found women going through stress associated with work challenges, social situations and life circumstances are at significantly higher risk for developing coronary heart disease, compared with men.

Women are also experiencing an increase in binge drinking. According to a study of over 2,000 people by the University of Texas, there was an increase in binge drinking for each week in lockdown. Of those reporting unhealthy amounts of drinking, 69% were women.

Work And Economic Wellbeing

Also significant are the impacts on women’s work and economic status. For example, Washington University in St. Louis showed mothers' work hours fell four to five times as much as fathers'. And the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported women’s unemployment has increased by 2.9% more than men’s. This has an impact on economic hardship reinforced by an Indiana University study which found younger adults and women were more likely to report economic hardships. Women are also over-represented in industries which are likely to experience the greatest declines because of the pandemic. These include hospitality and food service, retail, education and manufacturing. This was according to a July McKinsey study.

Women are also considering leaving the workforce in droves. A study of 40,000 employees by Lean In found fully 25% of women were considering leaving the workforce or slowing down their careers. In addition, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women are also three times more likely than men to not work in order to take care of children. A report by the Center for American Progress estimates a $64.5 billion dollar impact in terms of lost wages and economic activity for mothers leaving the labor force or reducing their work hours to take on (even) greater childcare responsibilities.

In addition, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women who leave the workforce and then want to return, will likely receive an offer that is 7% less than what a candidate who is currently employed would receive, regardless of gender.

For women who are still working, the news is also bad. According to a study by Steelcase, women are most likely to have sub-optimal conditions for working from home. And the September McKinsey study reports more women than men reported exhaustion, burnout and pressure to work more.

How To Respond

The impacts are significant, and in most cases they are significantly bad. How should we most effectively respond—as people and organizations? It is possible to create the conditions for happiness and fulfillment as well as equity and opportunities.

Make Gender Diversity A Priority

Fortunately, more companies are committed to gender diversity as a top priority—up from 74% of companies in 2015 to 87% of companies in 2019, according to the September McKinsey report. Tanea Flanders, Executive Director of Learning and Development for Columbia University articulates this commitment, “Conscious business leaders must be creative and intentional in supporting women who must now find new ways to be visible and engaged in what for many will remain hybrid workplace, while continuing to bear the weight of post-pandemic transitions back to work and school for their families.” Price too sees the need to support women, “You can't give more than you receive. If you help a talented woman navigate the social structures that work against her, you will be blessed as much, or more, than she.”

Women have a role to play as well, in terms of their resilience. Lisa Britt, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer for Thermo Fisher Scientific, is optimistic about women, “While it’s clear this past year has been a tremendous challenge, I think it has also highlighted the depth of capability among working women. The ability to acutely prioritize, multi-task, and ensure the well-being of those around them are innately characteristics of determined, successful women.”

Empowerment And Equality

When considering the optimal responses to the pandemic’s damaging effects on women, the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles are a constructive place to start. Specifically, an organization must commit to equality and a culture of inclusivity and empowerment. Their approach should include the following:

  • #1 Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality.
  • #2 Treat all women and men fairly at work—respect and support human rights and nondiscrimination.
  • #3 Ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all women and men workers.
  • #4 Promote education, training and professional development for women.
  • #5 Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women.
  • #6 Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy.
  • #7 Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality.

These recommendations provide for the contextual and structural conditions which create more positive options for women—and each is a tremendous commitment. Flanders reinforces these points, “The true measure of success is the individual and community sense of inclusion, belonging, equity and access to the resources, experiences, achievements and networks that make us all feel authentic and whole.”

Organizational Culture And Systems

It will be important for organizations to ensure they create cultures of inclusivity, acceptance and equity, intervening to address all kinds of bias. An element of effective culture is leadership support and empowerment of women, and this will require development and accountability. In addition, talent practices such as recruiting, selection, onboarding, ongoing development and promotion must be designed and managed in an intentional way. Britt says, “I would encourage companies to evaluate their ‘difference makers’ during this pandemic and invest differentially in their careers—when that happens, most certainly, more women will be recognized.”


In addition, companies can take a holistic approach to wellbeing—for all employees. A significant trend today is toward companies which are investing broadly in employee wellbeing—offering all kinds of support from emergency childcare, flexible working arrangements and mindfulness apps to financial and physical fitness educational programs. Britt shares her perspectives on a holistic approach, “We must continue the shift from supporting ‘good health’ through traditional benefit offerings to an expanded approach inclusive of overall ‘well-being’—which [goes] beyond expanded program offerings [and] requires the development of leadership capabilities and meeting expanded colleague expectations.“

Flanders agrees, “More than any other time in history it is imperative for leaders to cultivate organizational cultures of wellness that affirm employees’ cognitive, emotional, financial and physical lives.” Ultimately, attending to broad sets of needs sends a message to employees that you care—influencing their positive commitment to your organization. It also contributes to their ability to perform well and bring their best.

Sponsorship, Advocacy And Mentorship

When constructive programs, practices and policies are in place, mentorship can be a powerful way to reinforce positive experiences. Relationships are a critical element of health, wellbeing and success. Flanders says of mentoring, “Mentoring is an essential tool and relationship for elevating women in the workplace. The most impactful mentors serve as trusted-advisors and organizational change advocates helping women address glass ceilings, pay inequity and other work culture injustices that are still in place.”

Of course, mentors for women may be any gender, but it’s especially powerful to see women boosting other women: Mothers coaching mothers, working women supporting women in the workplace and women helping those who may be struggling with life issues. Kathryn Harrison-Thomas, CRS EMEA Region Head for Citicorp says, “Without access to mentors and sponsors who can support women and their career aspirations, we will continue to see disappointing statistics about the advancement of women in the workplace.” She shares an example of an association of which she is a part, “At CREW Network, we are delivering mentoring program in North America and the UK designed to help women in real estate realize their potential, and I encourage all women at any stage of their career to pursue these sorts of opportunities. It’s never too late to put in the work, and most importantly, strike up a fantastic network of supporters.” Intentional approaches to mentorship demonstrate value for women’s contributions and a commitment to improve their conditions and to coach and empower them.

In Sum

The pandemic has been tough, and especially so for women. But the opportunity going forward is for us to influence systems and structures to provide more advantages and equity for women—and for people to support each other in the process of empowering and enabling women to improve their conditions and create fulfillment.

The Link Lonk

April 19, 2021 at 04:50AM

Women And The Pandemic: Serious Damage To Work, Health And Home Demands Response - Forbes

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