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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Diamond Select Harley's Holiday Premiere Collection Statue Review - Pure Class - Batman-News

Harley Quinn has had a singular arc in DC comics. She started out as an abused sidekick to one of the very worst of DC’s villains, but has since become an icon for self-empowerment as she establishes herself as an independent character both in her own fiction and by virtue of the variety of Harley-centric products on the market. Harley started her life in Batman: The Animated Series, so it seems right that one of the first instances of Harley striking out on her own in that series is immortalized in the Batman The Animated Series: Harley’s Holiday Harley Quinn Premier Collection Statue.

Fresh Out of Rehab

This resin statue stands at 11-inches tall (despite Diamond Select saying 12 inches), and retails for around $125 online at sites like Amazon. The statue, limited to a production run of 3,000 pieces, is based on the title card for the episode “Harley’s Holiday,” in which Harley has successfully passed rehabilitation efforts at Arkham Asylum–a rare case for the gothic mental institution–and is released into the public. She tries to act like a normal person. You know, taking your dogs (hyenas) for a walk, going dress shopping; normal stuff that normal people do.

When things get weird, though, she quickly falls back into her old ways as a safety mechanism. Batman, having taken notice of her efforts to rehabilitate, takes some mercy on her, telling her that he once had a bad day.

Despite how many Harley Quinn statues we’ve reviewed here, this one stands out from the entire crowd. There’s nothing else out there like this at this price point, and that alone makes it worth a second look.

Big Style

Overall, the piece captures the style of the show incredibly well, with great details that help bring it to life. It starts with Harley’s two adorable pups, Bud and Lou, the two hyenas that accompany her. They’re basically mirror images of each other, striking the same pose but reversed, from the positioning of the feet to the shape of the tongue and snout, giving the whole piece a nice symmetry to build from. They each have their own leash, made out of black and red ribbons that go to mounted rings on each hyena and are seemingly glued to Harley’s appropriate hands.

Harley’s dress looks great, riffing on her costume while doing its own thing. The diamonds and corners are in-set, giving the whole piece texture. The painting lines aren’t terribly clean, but they get the job done, especially at normal viewing distance where they look great.

Harley’s head is one of the more interesting parts here both for its pros and cons. On the upside, there are some great details here. Her glasses look awesome, and the sculpt makes sure that her eyes, lips, and teeth are all at different depths–it doesn’t feel flat like these characters sometimes can.

Bigger Hat

And then there’s Harley’s hat. This is a bit of a double-edged sword. On the upside, it captures the look of that title card image really well, and it’s kind of a daring move for a resin statue. This is the kind of statue you might consider saving the packing foam for, because the hat seems like something that could break off rather easily.

On the downside, again, it seems like something that could break rather easily. More interesting though is that the wide brim of the hat kind of means that you need to place this statue at roughly eye level. Any lower and Harley’s face and torso basically disappear. It’ll be great for a medium or high shelf, but a poor choice for your desk.

But really that’s about my only complaint about this piece. The base is ultra simple, but the clean lines and cool colors work with and accentuate Harley’s bold style. The whole piece is a unique, standout example of how to do a comic book statue right. It captures not just the essence of the character, but does so while also finding a unique moment to do it in. We know this is Harley at a glance, but it’s not a Harley we ever see. It’s unique among comic book statues. That and the overall build quality make it well worth the price of entry.

Disclaimer: Diamond Select provided us with the statue for the purposes of this review.

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The Link Lonk

May 02, 2021 at 03:30PM

Diamond Select Harley's Holiday Premiere Collection Statue Review - Pure Class - Batman-News

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